Breast Cancer Screening

Conejo Free Clinic’s unique program of breast cancer prevention, diagnostics, surgery referral and patient advocacy proudly serves women who are uninsured and underinsured. We continue to fight for a community where no woman must postpone or forego their potentially life saving mammogram and other breast diagnostics because of the unaffordable cost.

Download our Mammogram Fund Brochure

What We Do

  • Provide the breast cancer screening and/or diagnostic test needed for approximately 300 women each year: the screening mammogram, and if necessary, the diagnostic mammogram, breast ultrasound and/or stereotactic breast biopsy. The biopsy is the definitive test for breast cancer.
  • Provide our patients with a clean bill of health OR facilitate our patients diagnosed with breast cancer to surgery at the County health system as soon as possible. The earliest possible detection is critical, because breast cancer cells multiply by the millions daily.
  • Connect compassionate advocacy for some of our patients when they are overwhelmed by the County health system, are frightened hearing of their breast cancer diagnosis for the first time and/or have no family or friends to turn to.
  • Rolling Oaks Radiology continues to be our breast diagnostics partner of over 25 years.
Breast Cancer Screening

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